Ischia and its famous croissant: the ischitano

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Yesterday morning I went to a very good bar in Naples and I asked the bartender what was the best sweet to take for breakfast and without hesitating for a moment he replied: “signora mia … surely the Cornetto ischitano!!!”
What a discovery!!!

The famous Ischitano was born on the island of Ischia (near Naples) and is the perfect fusion between the croissant and the Italian croissant.

It starts with puff pastry and then add the brioche dough. The resulting cake is light and tasty.
The scent is intoxicating: Ischia croissants are eaten especially in the morning, freshly baked, almost hot.

Normally it is filled as the classic Italian croissant (with creams, jams and marmalades).
However, its appearance resembles the body of a bee and then someone calls this confectionery preparation also: “bee croissant”.

The cream and black cherry croissants of Fratelli Calise in Forio di Ischia are among the best on the island: they are baked every morning at 6:30 am and Sunday is the perfect day to admire them in the window, a few steps from the port. This is an almost centenarian address: it was in fact Camillo Calise, in 1923, who first opened a bakery and then the pastry shop. During the Second World War, sweets were smuggled in.

My friends, I tasted it and it was delicious! I took the cream one, but not content, I did the encore with a Nutella croissant. What can I say … a real Italian delight….
Honestly the cream one is top!!!
I recommend … on a trip to Naples is a must try!

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