The term secret place encompasses not only places that are hidden secret of the world, but also places that are unknown, or simply hard to reach. This is the reason they are considered among the world secret places. It has even been reported that they are so secret even the locals don’t know about them.
If you are looking for a little more adventure and excitement than normal, you need to travel to these destinations which are top secrets of the world and all these places are based on the latest updates. These spots may not be directly reachable by road or public transport, but they offer a totally unique experience as well as cutting edge adventure activities.
1. Snake Island in Brazil
The largest concentration of venomous snakes in the world can be found on Snake Island, 90 miles off the coast of Sao Paulo, Brazil. About 2,000 to 4,000 Golden Lancehead Vipers live on the island, making it the world’s largest nesting island for the venomous snake. Every 10 square feet, there is an estimated one to five snakes.
2. Area 51 – U.S.A.
The secret U.S. military base known as Area 51 is well known, but no one knows for sure what it contains. It’s that way because the U.S. military wants to keep it that way. There are a lot of rumors about what happens here, some of which include aliens and UFOs. It is a fact that you will not be able to visit Area 51, no matter what happens there.

3. Lascaux Caves in France
A hidden gem in France, the Lascaux Caves is an archeological marvel worth exploring by those who understand its significance. There is a unique cave system in this cave system that holds paintings from the prehistoric era, which attracts archeologists from around the world. Despite their age, some of these paintings still look striking. Due to concerns about the damage caused by excessive human proximity, the cave was closed to the public.
4. Cape Melville National Parks in Australia
Cape Melville National Park is a beautiful peninsula in Australia with giant granite boulders and dense rainforests. During their exploration of this peninsula in 2013, scientists discovered three new species. A place known as the ‘lost world’ gained popularity among scientists. There is still a great deal to discover about this place, and that is for the best. This is the only way to prevent excessive exploration from damaging it.
5. Ise Grand Shrine in Japan
Over 80,000 shrines exist in Japan. Spirituality plays an important role in the country, which is renowned for its shrine culture. Among the most important and expensive shrines in Japan is Ise Grand Shrine. Known for its architectural grandeur and adherence to age-old Shinto traditions, it is unique in the world.
6. Surtsey Island – Iceland
A quaint island located in the archipelago off the coast of Island is another one of the many best secret getaways in the world. The island came into existence after a violent volcanic eruption that latest for four years. The island is presently open only to geologists and scientists. The place is off-limits for tourists as the ecosystem of the island is very fragile and might get damaged due to human intrusion.
7. Blue Lake at Jiuzhaigou National Park – China
Get a glimpse of this 1375-metre-long beautiful crystal blue lake in China. Tucked away in among the Min Mountains near the Tibetan Plateau, it’s a far cry from the bustling streets of Beijing! Deservedly, UNESCO turned the place into a World Heritage site in 1992.
8. Pangong Tso Lake in Ladakh – India
Considered as the most famous lake in India, this lake isn’t exactly a secret place, but it’s still relatively unvisited. Stretching out for about 160 km, this saltwater lake contains the highest amount of salt water in the world.
9. Apostle Islands – USA
This archipelago is a hidden gem of Wisconsin. These 60 foot high sandstone walls are almost too perfect to be naturally made, but they are!
10. Hill Royal Air Force Station- U.K.
The British War Office purchased 550 acres in 1954 and leased them to the United States. A Royal Air Force Station was created at Menwith Hill. The military installation here is by far the most secretive in the entire United Kingdom, and no one knows for sure what goes on there.
How does Menwith Hill Royal Air Force Station operate? It’s likely we will never know, but these secrecy issues make for an interesting insight into the spy world and US and UK military base.
11. North Sentinel Island in India
In Andamans, India, the North Sentinel Island is home to the Sentinelese tribe, which occupies one of the world’s forbidden islands. To protect themselves, the people of this tribe prefer to stay isolated. In order to protect their isolation, they become aggressive and violent at times. The island has been home to this tribe for the past 50,000 years. The Indian Government has prohibited travelers from traveling to this island
12. Woomera Test Range – Australia
There are few land-based test firing ranges as large as Woomera Test Range. There are 122,000 square kilometers (47,000 square miles) in the country, which is larger than Portugal. A military test firing range the size of a country could have what kind of activities?
Conclusion – There are so many activities and secret things in world that I wish I could list them all, but it would take up the entire article. So these are just a small sample of the most memorable places. One thing to consider is that although they may be hard to reach, they might actually be less crowded than other more well-known places.