Planning to go for a solo trip? Here are some safety tips

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Taking a few days off from the busy work and life routine is one of the best ways to replenish our mind, body and soul. And one of the best ways to do so is a solo trip. Whereas it is rather courageous to pack bags and set off to a foreign land without any company, it is a perfect time to reflect on life and get some personal time.

Despite your pure intentions, the world is a cruel place. Therefore, take time off and take some safety measures to ensure you enjoy your trip and return home safely. Here are a few tips to consider for your next solo trip;

Share your travel itinerary with a trusted friend or member

Having a few people updated on where you plan to go and how long you plan to spend in a particular area may come in handy during a search and rescue. Believe it or not, bad things happen, and planning is one of the ways to stay in control when they do. When a couple of people have your travel itinerary, it may be the difference between life and death.

I once encountered a story of a young girl who had gone hiking in Australia. During the one-day hike, she fell and broke her ankle. But because she told a friend back in Italy about her itinerary, she was soon rescued by authorities.

Stick to the travel plan

There is always an urge to go off script when you are traveling, but whereas it is an easy feat when traveling in groups, it may be a costly decision if you are on a solo trip. Going home with your new-found friend or attending a festival in another city is often a recipe for disaster. Please stick to your original itinerary so that it is easier to retrace your steps in an emergency.

If you are eagerly spontaneous, update your friend or family on the new itinerary and how long you plan to spend in the new destination for your safety.

Make some research on your destination

Keeping tabs on your preferred destination might save you a few headaches down the road. So, before you make the hotel booking or buy the plane ticket, research the country’s stability, security and when best to visit the destination. Some countries struggle with terrorist threats, while others have a volatile political climate. So, a google search will help you avoid such unwanted inconveniences.

Also, knowing when best to travel to a country is vital. Traveling off-season is cheaper, but different circumstances may make your trip a disaster. For example, some countries experience extreme temperatures, which may make for unsafe travel. Also, follow up on your country’s alerts on your preferred destination in the days leading up to your trip.

Have your arrangements for the first night sorted

Having your hotels and airport pick-up sorted is crucial before leaving your country of origin. Getting robbed in the first few hours of your trip will spoil your solo experience. So do comprehensive research on your hotel before making a booking. Find out about the neighborhood’s safety and if the hotel offers services like airport pick-up and local guides. Check out reviews and see if the past guests were impressed by their services.

As a solo traveler, you must be willing to compromise on a few more bucks for safety. Avoid isolated hotels despite their cheaper offering.

Where possible, arrange to arrive during daytime

Your first impression will set the tone for the rest of your stay at the destination. For example, moving through the city to your hotel at night can be an intimidating experience and make one less trusting, especially if you didn’t arrange an airport pick-up.

If possible, arrange to arrive during the day, so you enjoy your first day at the destination without hiccups.

Don’t accept food or drinks from strangers

There is always an urge to make a few friends when traveling solo. However, many people don’t have the best intentions, so always be on the lookout. Whereas it is okay to bond and dance with your new friends, be extra cautious regarding food and drinks to avoid getting drugged or poisoned.

Whereas solo travel can get lonely, extreme caution will help keep ill-intentioned people away from you.

Let the hotel organize transport and tour services during your stay

One of the best ways to ensure an anxiety-free trip is to ask your hotelier to cater to your itinerary. Yes, it will cost you a few more bucks but will save you many headaches in the long run. Navigating the city on your own is cheaper but a wild coin toss. Allowing your concierge partner to handle your itinerary will not only help you get to destinations on time, but they know the unsafe zones in the city.

Most hotels offer these services; if they don’t, they should know someone who could help you get around.

Only move with photocopies of your travel documents

The thought of losing your passport in a foreign country has to be the biggest party pooper for most travelers. While on a trip, your travel documents are the only insurance for returning home, so take extra caution where you leave them.

Leaving it with your hotel is the wisest move. However, leaving it in your carry-on bag in your hotel room should do. Only move with photocopies and use those in case you need to identify yourself to the authorities.

Have safety cash or credit card

I always plan for worst-case scenarios when heading off for a trip. The thought of losing all your travel money should always be on your mind when planning your trip. Therefore, divide your cash up into two piles. Move with just enough to have a good time and the rest in your hotel room or the hotel’s safe.

Also, always carry a credit card for your trip just in case you run into unexpected bottlenecks that are off-budget. Also, inform your credit card service provider before setting off the trip so that your card isn’t flagged or blocked.

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