Secrets Places of the World

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Are you an explorer at heart who likes to seek out the unknown, hidden spots when you travel? Then read on for our list of the best secret places in the world!

1.Swim in the Enchanting River in Surigao del Sur, Philippines

The Philippines is slowly showcasing its beauty one island after the other, with places like Boracay and Palawan becoming ever more popular. But, there are still many unknown spots to be discovered.

Tucked in behind the rocky mountains of a small province called Surigao Del Sur lies this fairytale-like river. Dive into the caves of the enchanted river without being disturbed by crowds of people.

2.Snake Island

One small island that measures just 430,000m2 or 106 acres in size is so densely packed with snakes that it’s enough to inspire Ophidiophobia in anyone. Today, we’re examining Ilha da Queimada Grande, also known as Snake Island.

Located about 90 miles off the Sao Paulo, Brazil coast, Snake Island has the highest concentration of venomous snakes in the world. The island is home to the Golden Lancehead Viper, and about 2,000 to 4,000 of these highly venomous snakes live here. That means that there is an estimated one to five snakes every 10 square feet.

Ilha da Queimada Grande is home to the Bothrups insularis, also known as the golden lancehead viper. This snake is a relative of the mainland’s deadliest snake, the Fer-de-lance. This snake is very noteworthy because it exists only on Snake Island. There is no other place on Earth you can find this animal.

The prevailing theory is that this species became trapped on the island after the last ice age ended over 11,000 years ago. Rising seawater immersed the land connecting Snake Island to the mainland.

3.North Sentinel Island, India

Unfortunately, while this is one of the most venomous snakes in the world, it is also one of the most endangered, so there is no going onto the island to clear them out to make way for people. But all it would take is one bite from just one of these snakes to kill a human in about an hour. And that is why Snake Island is forbidden for people to visit.

Now, obviously, people have visited the island, but they are mostly scientists and researchers who are trained in how to deal with the snakes.

North Sentinel Island has been inhabited for about 60,000 years by a tribe of people that have had virtually no contact with the rest of the world in that period of time. Because of the fact that this tribe has had so little contact with other people, the Indian government has decreed that no one may visit the island for fear of a couple of things.

First of all, these people have no immunity to diseases from off the island. In the 1800’s, some researchers kidnapped people from North Sentinel Island to study them. And the people promptly died of disease.

The second reason is because the Indian government wants to keep this tribe untouched. There is so little known about the people of North Sentinel Island because it is nearly impossible to study them.

4.Heard Island, Australia

Heard Island is in the middle of the ocean, between Australia and Antarctica. So even if you were allowed to visit the island, it would be difficult to get there. But just why does the Australian government make it illegal for people to go to the island?

Heard Island is completely untouched by humans. And the government wants to keep it that way. Only by very remote methods does anyone know anything about the island. It is known that the animals that live on and around the island are unique to that area. There are two active volcanoes on the island, the tallest mountain in Australia, and a number of glaciers.

In other words, Heard Island is a beautiful pristine wilderness that has not had any contact with humans. In order to keep the island in this pristine setting, the government of Australia has made it illegal to visit the island.

5.Poveglia, Italy

There are a number of rumors and theories surrounding the history of Poveglia, but it is hard to tell what is true and what is not. The only thing that is certain is that visitors are not permitted on the island, and for good reason. Because, if any of the other theories are true, no one would want to visit Poveglia.

The island was used to house plague victims in the late 18th century. Those people died, and that has led to the belief that half of the surface of the island is made up of human remains. Later, Napoleon used the island as a weapons cache, because it is so small and difficult to find. However, his enemies did find the island, and there was a bloody battle at the site. In the early 20th century, a mental hospital was opened on site, which was closed about 40 years later.

All of this history has led to the belief that the island is haunted. With human remains all over the island and massive Napoleonic battles taking place, the island of Poveglia certainly has seen more than its fair share of deaths. Plus, mental hospitals always lead to stories of ghosts and haunting.

6.Vatican Library Secret Archives, Vatican City

The Vatican Library Secret Archives is so secret that no one knows for sure exactly what is in them. The secret archive has over 50 miles of shelving housing over 35,000 volumes of cataloged documents, some dating about 1,200 years. And that is just what is known about the secret archive.

Anything added to the secret archive is not removed for at least 75 years. That means that documents available in the rest of the Vatican Library is dated back at least 75 years. So, who knows what is in the secret archive from the last 75 years?

Even though documents are routinely removed after 75 years, there are things in the Vatican Library Secret Archives that will never again see the light of day. Some speculation about things in the archive include letters from Mary Queen of Scots, excommunication bulls related to Martin Luther, and other priceless historical artifacts from the long history of the Catholic Church.

And, of course, some of the documents in the Vatican Library Secret Archives have the power to make and destroy that very same history. Because of the potential for ruining the history of the Catholic Church, there is very little possibility that anyone will ever see exactly what is in the secret archive.

7.Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Norway

The vault is designed to hold 4.5 million types of seeds, with 500 seeds of each variety. The idea is to keep seed populations safe in the event of a localized disaster, but many people believe the seed vault is designed for a “doomsday” scenario in case the world needs to be reseeded. Whatever the case may be, no one is allowed to visit the Svalbard Global Seed Vault.

Norway was chosen as the site of the global seed vault because it is naturally a cold place, which means equipment do not need to be used to keep the seeds stable. Also, the relatively low humidity is ideal for storing things like seeds. However, probably the biggest reason Norway was chosen is because the world trusts Norway, and the country is relatively safe. But that does not stop the need for security at the Svalbard Global Seed Vault.

Because of the need to keep the seeds safe, security is very tight at this location. There are no tours available, and only the highest privileged people have any sort of access. This may also mean that there is more to Svalbard Global Seed Vault than actually meets the eye.

8.The White’s Gentlemen Club, England

The White’s Gentlemen Club was founded in 1693 by an Italian immigrant as a hot chocolate shop. However, it very quickly transitioned into a gambling and private gentlemen’s club. The club is very exclusive and expensive to join, with notable members including the British Royal Family’s male members.

The White’s Gentlemen Club works hard to maintain its exclusivity as the most private and expensive club in the world. You can only imagine what has gone on behind the doors of The White’s Gentlemen Club. Over the centuries, the power that has walked through those doors has shaped the history of Britain and the world at large.

Gentlemen’s clubs have been around for a very long time, serving as a gathering place for men all over the world. But they have almost always maintained an air of secrecy and are usually very exclusive. The White’s Gentlemen Club is no different in those regards. However, the level of secrecy about what goes on in The White’s Gentlemen Club is probably higher because of how exclusive the club is.

The exclusivity of The White’s Gentlemen Club comes mainly from the price tag to join.

9.Tomb Of Qin Shi Huang, China

The Tomb of Qin Shi Huang was discovered by people digging a well in 1974. As they were digging, they came across some lifesize clay soldiers. These were but a few of thousands of unique individual clay soldiers who were carefully crafted to guard the tomb of the first Chinese Emperor.

There is a literal army of terracotta (clay) soldiers surrounding the main Tomb of Qin Shi Huang. It is believed that each soldier is unique from the rest in their garb, facial expressions, and weapons. This enormous mausoleum is designed to pay tribute to the man that led a unified China in the third century BC.

XI’AN, SHAANXI PROVINCE, CHINA – OCTOBER 23, 2007: The Terracotta Warriors of the famous Terracotta Army inside the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum of the First Emperor of China.

While visitors are allowed to see the terracotta army of soldiers and some of the items found in the tomb, the main tomb is completely off limits, due to respect for the burial rights. However, it is believed that there is a vast treasure buried with Qin Shi Huang, and that proves to be tantalizing.

The terracotta army is guarding the Emperor and his treasure and continues to do so even thousands of years after Qin Shi Huang was lain to rest in his tomb. But it is what lies buried with him that is the big secret that no one will ever know.

10.Trummelbach Falls – Switzerland

In the valley of 72 waterfalls, you’d think there is no undiscovered waterfall in Switzerland, but there is. One of the top-secret places in Europe is the Trummelbach Falls. This range of 10 glacier-fed waterfalls in Switzerland, is fed by melting water from Eiger and Jungfrau.

Therefore, when visiting and walking through the mountain, admiring these secret waterfalls, be dressed in clothes that will protect you from the freezing waterfall drips

11. St. Michael’s Mount, Cornwall, England

Perhaps you’ve heard of Mont Saint Michel, but what about its English cousin?

The island world of St Michael’s Mount is one of the jewels in Cornwall’s crown. Hop on a boat – or walk across the causeway during low tide – to a community where modern life meets over a thousand years of history. 

Home to the St Aubyn family as well as a small community, this iconic island is crowned by a medieval church and castle – with the oldest buildings dating to the 12th century. Immerse yourself in history, wonder at the architecture and discover the legend of Jack the Giant Killer. 

You can also explore the sub-tropical terraced garden and enjoy breath taking views of Mount’s Bay. 

12. Smoo Cave, Scotland

Smoo Cave is a natural sea cave located ~1 mile to the East of Durness village centre which is in Sutherland in the North West Highlands of Scotland. It is the main tourist attraction in Durness and an impressive site that we would recommend to anybody visiting this beautiful and wild corner of Scotland.The approach to the cave is very impressive, with an entrance 50 feet (15 meters) high, 130 feet (40 meters) wide and 200 feet (61 meters) long.

This massive seaside cave looks like something straight out of Jurassic Park, but don’t worry, the only thing lurking within its depths of one of the most interesting places in the world is a hidden waterfall that cascades 80 feet into the placid waters below.

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