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Andalusian gardens

  • Rabat 10000, Marocco
  • 0


  • Distance
  • 0
  • Duration
  • 0 h
  • Type
  • Giardini e Parchi
  • Hosting
  • Inglese


Tucked away in the Kasbah of Oudayas is the hideaway retreat of the Andalusian Gardens, a secluded park for you to stroll through and get some fresh air on those hot summer days, or relax after a hard day’s sight-seeing. Despite the name, they were actually designed by a French landscape architect in the twentieth century, but anyone who has been to Andalucía will instantly recognise the influence of its water features and fountains, not to mention those typical fragrances reminiscent of the Alhambra. Albeit an emblematic location in Rabat, it is also true that it can give the impression of being abandoned, with its arches and structure in need of restoration, yet it is precisely such decadence which gives this haven its special, enigmatic charm. Finally, you can round off your day at the tearoom immediately next to the gardens. A popular spot amongst the locals, here you will sample one of the best mint teas in the city.
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