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Caracciolo Castle - Secret World

  • 85050 Brienza PZ, Italia
  • 0


  • Distance
  • 0
  • Duration
  • 0 h
  • Type
  • Palazzi, Ville e Castelli
  • Hosting
  • Inglese


The first documentary evidence about the Caracciolo Castle dates back to the Angevin period, but probably the date of foundation of the castle is earlier and can be placed, according to some historians, around the fourth century. Entirely rebuilt in 1571, traces of it remain in the cylindrical donjon, which emerges from the massive mass, and in the circular semi-tower, situated at the center of the walls in order to interrupt the uniformity of the curtain and ensure a more effective defence. The Caracciolos were responsible for the successive enlargements and for the singular shape, almost triangular, on three floors. A stone staircase, open to the sky, leads to a terrace in front of the main entrance. The Caracciolo family, with alternate events, remained owners of the feud and of the castle until 1857, year in which the last member of the family, Maria Giulia, left it to her nephew Luigi Barracco.
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