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Finya Library

  • 70024 Gravina in Puglia BA, Italia
  • 0


  • Distance
  • 0
  • Duration
  • 0 h
  • Type
  • Arte, Teatri e Musei
  • Hosting
  • Inglese


Closed for several years, it returned to use after restoration in 2012. The Library was started by Bishop Domenico Cennini who wanted to offer priests a place to deepen their cultural and theological education. The then Archbishop Orsini was responsible for the start-up of the Library. The project of Bishop Cennini was further enriched by the donations of Archdeacon Lettieri (1700) and later of Pope Benedict XIII in 1729. But the most conspicuous donation is due to Cardinal Francesco Antonio Finy who, at his death, left his rich library as a gift to the city of Gravina with a dowry of 2,000 ducats. The construction was completed in 1743.
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