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Cookie of Ceglie

  • 72013 Ceglie Messapica BR, Italia
  • 0


  • Distance
  • 0
  • Duration
  • 0 h
  • Type
  • Prodotti tipici
  • Hosting
  • Inglese


The cookie of Ceglie, today a Slow Food Presidium, is a typical Easter Monday dessert. It is prepared in Ceglie Messapica and it is a stuffed cookie made with local almond flour: they are toasted, chopped and mixed with sugar, lemon, honey, eggs and citrus rosolio to obtain strips of dough, on which jam is spread before being rolled up to form small sweet cubes. They are baked in the oven and, if you like, they can be coated in cocoa or sugar icing, to obtain a pure delight with a not irrelevant caloric intake.
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