Located in the municipality of Borgia, in Roccelletta, the Archaeological Park of Scolacium occupies an area of 35 hectares and stands in the shade of a centuries-old olive grove.
It was established in 1982 by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and is certainly one of the most beautiful archaeological sites in the south.
The archaeological finds manage to define the identity of the place: starting from the ancient Greek colony of Skylletion, of which, however, nothing remains; the Roman Minerva Scolacium and finally the medieval Norman settlement.
The tour begins with the abbey church built between the 11th and 12th centuries by the Normans and probably used as a defence building, hence the name Roccelletta. Its structure manages to keep together different shapes, colours and architectural styles (Romanesque, Byzantine, Arabic). It has a single, large nave with the apse in three parts at the top, reached by wide steps.
Along the route there are the forum, the theatre, the amphitheatre, the necropolis, the oil mill, museum of industrial archaeology and the Archaeological Museum, inside which there is a display that traces the history of the city through finds that document ancient life in every aspect.
Inside the Park takes place every year "Armonie d'arte Festival", with the aim of promoting art and entertainment in a place with a strong historical significance.
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