From the village of Lake Louise, follow Lake Louise Drive up to the Moraine Lake turn-off and then drive past the Paradise Valley trailhead until you reach a large parking lot on the shores of the lake (12.5 km/7.5 mi from the turn-off). Be sure to bring your camera for pictures of the spectacular view of the lake and the Valley of the Ten Peaks (the series of ten mountain peaks that runs from the edge of the lake along the left side of the entire valley).
At the shoreline in front of the parking lot, the Rockpile (literally, a pile of rocks!) is on your left and the lodge is on your right, while straight ahead is the lake and the start of the Wenkchemna peaks. To your right high above the lodge is the icy peak of Mount Temple, the third highest mountain in the Canadian Rockies at 3,540 metres (11,500 feet).
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