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Aversa la normanna

  • 81031 Aversa CE, Italia
  • 0


  • Distance
  • 0
  • Duration
  • 0 h
  • Type
  • Altro


City of Norman origin, Aversa is a large urban center, equidistant from both Naples and Caserta, a province in whose jurisdiction the municipality falls. Founded by the Normans shortly after the year 1000, Aversa was, for the French dynasty, one of the most important centers of southern Italy. Later it passed into the hands of the Angevins, of whose dominion in the city today few traces remain. Among the monuments that you can admire in Aversa, stands out the Aragonese Castle of Roger II who hosted many princes. The castle was restored in the middle of the 18th century by Charles III of Bourbon who entrusted the work to Vanvitelli, architect of the Royal Palace of Caserta. Aversa can count on one of the most interesting historical centres in the whole of Campania. There are many churches worthy of note. Above all the Duomo, inside which there is a statue of St. George and the dragon dating back to pre-Roman times. Beautiful is the octagonal dome. Other places of worship to visit are the Church of Santa Maria a Piazza, where you can admire some frescoes by Giotto's school, the Church of Sa Eudeno, with its recently renovated cloister, the Abbey of San Lorenzo. Aversa, in addition to its millenary history, owes its fame to what is considered the typical product par excellence of Campania, buffalo mozzarella. There are numerous dairies located all around the Aversano countryside. Among the typical products of Aversa also stands out the wine Asprinio Doc.
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