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Le Sette Porte di Königsberg

  • Ulitsa Bagrationa, 137, Kaliningrad, Kaliningradskaya oblast', Russia, 236039
  • 0


  • Distance
  • 0
  • Duration
  • 0 h
  • Type
  • Siti Storici


A visit to the seven gates is not only an opportunity to discover the history of the city, but also a great opportunity to walk an easy urban hiking trail full of surprises. The Brandenburg Gate dates back to the 15th century, and more than any other it preserves the Gothic style typical of the old Königsberg. This is the only gate that has retained its function as an access point to the city, and is therefore crossed by car traffic. The Friedland Gate is now a museum, where you can enjoy a multimedia show about the history of the city. The museum is open year-round, and also offers a rich projection of photographs from the early 19th century, and footage taken in the 1930s. The King's Gate was built in the 19th century, and commemorates the embassy of Peter the Great, which took place in 1697. Inside is an exhibition, where scale models of the old city are displayed, and the story of the city's main characters is told. On its exterior are statues of Ottokar of Bohemia, who gave the city its original name, Frederick I of Prussia, and Duke Albert I of Prussia. The Rossgarten Gate is by far the most frequented by visitors. High on its facade are reliefs of two Prussian generals, Gerhard von Scharnhorst and August Neidhardt von Gneisenau. The gate has been largely rebuilt, and today houses a popular restaurant. Older is the Sackheim Gate, which dates back to the 14th century. After the conquest of the city by the Soviet army, the premises of the gate were used as a warehouse. The gate was restored in 2006. The Attack Gate and the Railway Gate are less spectacular, but still worth a visit.
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