Juncata... - Secret World

Provincia di Avellino, Italia

by Lora Sutton

The province of Avellino, known for the production of cheeses and pasta filata and caciovallo, is the area of derivation of a very ancient and particular product: Juncata or Giuncata. Already mentioned by the Hellenistic poet Theocritus, it is the product of fresh cow's milk from the evening or morning milking, which, filtered, heated and rennet added, is collected during the first phase of coagulation. After collection, it is left to dry in special containers and then transferred into baskets made of vegetable rushes from which it takes its name, and left to rest for a few hours. Produced and sold the same day, it should be consumed very fresh in order to appreciate its particular tender consistency, similar to that of a pudding, and its sweet and delicate taste.

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