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Peppers cruschi of Senise iGP

  • 85038 Senise PZ, Italia
  • 0


  • Distance
  • 0
  • Duration
  • 0 h
  • Type
  • Prodotti tipici


Peppers cruschi of Senise, emblem of Lucanian gastronomy, are distinguished and characterized from other varieties of peppers for their low water content, for the presence of vitamin C and for a considerable content of salts. Peppers cruschi of Senise are a typical local product having a wrinkled and crumbly surface when cut. Usually, the harvesting period of peppers begins in the second half of August. Their drying, which takes place in a spontaneous way, ensures the pulp becomes pretty thin and the stalk does not detach from the berry. In September the peppers cruschi of Senise are strung in necklaces, called "serte", or ground into powder. The traditional recipe consists in frying cruschi peppers of Senise in abundant hot olive oil for a few seconds. "Lucaneria, prodotti tipici lucani" (Lucanian typical products) suggests to taste this specialty of Basilicata as a side dish for roasted meat, salt cod or for the preparation of some typical first courses of Basilicata. On the other hand, it suggests to taste cruschi peppers of Senise in the form of powder or ground to season soups, vegetables or first courses.
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