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Bourbon is an American Whiskey in Kentuc ...

  • Lexington, Kentucky, Stati Uniti
  • 0


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  • 0
  • Duration
  • 0 h
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  • Prodotti tipici


Bourbon is an American Whiskey produced mainly in the southern part of Kentucky State. According to US Trade Legislation, a “bourbon” is a type of whiskey where the “mashbill”—which is the recipe of grains used to produce the whiskey—consists of 51% - 80% corn. Typically, distillers use approximately 70% corn content and are free to choose other grains for the remainder of the mashbill. The type of grain used will affect the style and flavors of the whiskey. Bourbon can be made anywhere in the US. Only whiskey produced in the State of Kentucky can be called labeled Kentucky Straight Whiskey.
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