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San Martino Castle

  • 04015 Priverno LT, Italia
  • 0


  • Distance
  • 0
  • Duration
  • 0 h
  • Type
  • Palazzi, Ville e Castelli


Inside the Park of San Martino di Priverno, we find the Castle of San Martino. It was built for Cardinal Tolomeo Gallio, secretary of Pope Gregory XIII, between 1565 and 1569, as a country residence. It is also called Villa Tolomeo Gallio, has Renaissance origins, and is composed of a square plan with four angular towers that give it an almost "fortress" aspect. As mentioned above, it is inside the San Martino Park and the presence of paths and equipped areas makes a visit to this castle even more interesting. Since 2005, some rooms of the castle have hosted the Museum of Mathematics entitled "Let's play without stopping", which aims to raise awareness of the mysteries of mathematics.
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