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Lisbon | Fronteira Palace

  • Largo São Domingos de Benfica 01, 1500-554 Lisboa, Portogallo
  • 0


  • Distance
  • 0
  • Duration
  • 0 h
  • Type
  • Arte, Teatri e Musei


The Fronteira Palace is an excellent example of where to find beautiful Portuguese architecture and decor away from the bustling downtown area. Built in the 17th century, it once belonged to a noble family and is still privately owned but certain wings are open to the public for guided tours. The stunning azulejo mosaics wrap around the main garden and adorn many walls, but the Battle Room may be the property’s MVP in terms of beauty and has even been nicknamed the “Sistine Chapel of Tile Panels”. *Tip: If using the metro to navigate the city, take the blue line to the Jardim Zoologico and walk 15-20 minutes to the palace.
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