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Amboli | A Splendidly Hill Resort

  • Amboli, Maharashtra 416510, India
  • 0


  • Distance
  • 0
  • Duration
  • 0 h
  • Type
  • Località di montagna


Amboli is a less well-known, but splendidly beautiful hill resort, In the southern range of Sahyadri hills. It is at an altitude of 690 m. is the last mountain resort before thecoastal highlands settle,With a sigh,to form flat beaches. Visit the numerous viewpoints for the pleasant view of the lush hills and fertile plain. On record as the wettestplace in Maharashtra , withan average of nearly 750 centimeters (269 inches) ofrainfall a year, falling between Juneand October. In rainy season, the hill station iswrapped in mist. Sea view point offers a rare view of the land all the way to the golden Konkan coast. Spend hours by yourself angling for a fish at Hiranyakeshi or a picnic at Nagatta falls, Mahadev Gad And Narayan Gad. Submerged by dense forests and steep valleys, this tranquil mountaintop offers some of the best panoramic views of the Konkan coast.The bauxite mine 10 K.Ms. away, is a pleasant and very different excursion. If you are looking to spend a few days in splendid isolation with your familyit is an ideal resort. Amboli has a cool and invigorating climate-a welcome respite insummer.
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