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Bocconotti of Montorio al Vomano

  • 64046 Montorio Al Vomano TE, Italia
  • 0


  • Distance
  • 0
  • Duration
  • 0 h
  • Type
  • Piatti tipici


Today we are talking about bocconotti montoriesi, a typical sweet of Montorio al Vomano in the province of Teramo. To prepare them, metal moulds are used, which in the area are made by artisans from oil or coffee cans. In Montorio the bocconotto is a sweet related to festivities, in particular weddings and Christmas. Every family in Montorio is able to make bocconotto!", they exclaim with pride in the village. Still today this small and tasty cake is the king of Montorio's pastry. Here, the pie is filled with Montepulciano grape jam and is distinguished by the "lacrima": thanks to a more crumbly pastry dough. The Montepulciano grape jam, the finest jam of the area, is handmade with the patient pressing of the grapes, which eliminates the seeds and allows the skins to maintain their unmistakable consistency.
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