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Farnese Palace

  • Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 18, 64012 Campli TE, Italia
  • 0


  • Distance
  • 0
  • Duration
  • 0 h
  • Type
  • Palazzi, Ville e Castelli


Also known as "Palazzo del Parlamento" (for the political meetings of the heads of the family) it dates back to the 14th century and was restored in the 16th and 19th centuries. In the back the "Well of the Farnese": courtyard with portico, well and external staircase for access to the upper floors. The loggia has small vaults with ogival crosses made of bricks; the others near the courtyard are round-headed. The palace, in Gothic style with Lombard and Umbrian-Marchigiani influences, represents the most ancient civic building of Abruzzo. In origin it was constituted from two plans and a tower of sighting; to pianterno great porticato with seven arcs to sixth acute that sorreggono the structure. The facade of the upper floor is embellished by two large windows flanked by pairs of three-mullioned windows with elegant columns. On a sandstone ashlar set in the facade is reported in Latin the date "1520", perhaps referring to the remaking of the building in the sixteenth century. On the third floor, added later and then demolished, was housed in 1845 the first theater in the region. In the XVIII century it was often ruined by frequent and disastrous earthquakes. During the French domination Palazzo Farnese, residence of the ancient lords of Campli, was transformed into barracks. Restored in 1888 after a long period of decay, it is now the seat of the Municipality.
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