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Pinocchio Fountain

  • Corso Indipendenza, 20129 Milano, Italia
  • 0


  • Distance
  • 0
  • Duration
  • 0 h
  • Type
  • Fontane, Piazze e Ponti


The work of art, a gift of the "Famiglia Artistica" to the city of Milan, is located in the playground of the traffic island gardens that have now become the backroom of many prefabricated stores. The statue, in bronze, was made in 1955 and was inaugurated on May 19, 1956. The work portrays Pinocchio, who has become a child, looking at the inanimate body of the puppet he was. On the sides of the base were depicted the Cat and the Fox. In the center, on the pillar that supports Pinocchio, is inscribed a sentence by the poet Antonio Negri: "How funny I was when I was a puppet! And you who look at me, are you quite sure of having tamed the puppet that lives in you? " The statue is visibly damaged by the vandalism: of the stolen Cat, only the paw prints remain and Pinocchio's nose has been smashed. The fountain has also been inactive for some time.
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