The Most Picturesque Ancient Sites in Japan

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The land of Japan is home to numerous shrines, temples, and historical monuments. If you are a big K-drama fan, time travel appeals to you. Traveling to ancient Japan is the same as traveling through time.

Some of the well-trodden ancient places are not as old as you might think. Here we have brought you some of the fascinating and magnificent ancient sites you must consider while planning your trip to Japan.


Starting with our recommendation from Sannai-Maruyama, it is a 5000 years old site in Japan. While exploring ancient Japan, you can’t afford to miss the biggest and most well-preserved site in the country. Lying in the heart of the city Aomori, the recreated and rebuilt village is a potential site for tourists. Visit the reconstructed houses and the museums displaying ancient life.

The ancient site of Sannai-Maruyama belongs to the Jomson period, the time of creativity and evolution in technology. You will find the ruins of human settlements scattered here. The houses in this ancient village are stilt and pit ones. The archeological site along with others has been proclaimed a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.


Do you need a break from the tiring and boring routine? A short and quick trip to a magnificent forested island is worth your time. Yakushima is prominent for its striking cedar trees and its magical moss-covered panorama. You might remember the place as it was the site for the award-winning animated movie Princess Mononoke.

On the forested island of Yakushima, a giant cedar tree awaits you as it is the oldest tree in Japan. How does it feel to be standing right next to 7000 years old Jamon Sugi? Relive the life of ancient Japan in the woods of Yakushima, the living reminder of old age. Some of the most breathtaking natural beauty awaits you here. Don’t miss it out, you should not at any cost.


Another memory of the Jomon period in the south of Hokkaida is the Ofune coastal community. A perfect treat for archaeological and history enthusiasts who are looking for evidence of the lifestyle of that time. You will find burial grounds, artifacts, ancient antics, and mounds representing the lifestyle and culture of ancient people. Archaeologists have found bones of fishes, seeds, and nuts preserved in the deep pits suggesting the mode of lifestyle. You will find houses of variable sizes here. Some are big and others are small.


One of the most well-known and colorful temples in Japan is Sensoji. It is also known as Asakusa Kannon Temple. Lying in the heart of Asakusa, this Buddhist Temple is a sure thing to watch. It is the oldest temple in the capital telling a very interesting folk story. Are you ready for the time travel in Tokyo, because this place will surely take you somewhere else? It was built in 628 however the current temple is a rebuilt version. The original one was destroyed in world war II. Don’t forget to bring your camera because who wants to miss such an iconic and cool place for photographs.

Kumano Kodo

Kumano Kodo is a network of trails for pilgrimage in the Kansai region. These trails are more than 1000 years old and are proclaimed a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. These routes were built to facilitate people for pilgrimage to sacred places of the Kii Peninsula. These trails were not just the path but an adventure in itself. The three main shrines named Hongu Taisha, Hayatama Taisha, and Nachi Taisha lie in the heart of the Kii Peninsula.

Pilgrims from far away place used to come here to experience the dangerous and difficult mountain terrain journey. This journey is one of the most thrilling, remote, and rewarding adventures. The Kumano Old Road is open for all the explorers and hikers who take a deep interest in photogenic shrines and the natural beauty of the site.

Itsukushima Shrine

One of the most iconic sites in Japan is the Itsukushima Shrine. Appearing as it is floating, this iconic site awaits you. You are lucky if you visit it during a festival and have a glimpse of traditional bugaku performance at the shrine. It was formerly known by this name, however, it is most popularly known as Miyajima. The floating Torii Gate is an eye bewildering sight. The shrine and the gate are built over the water supported by pillars. You will find multiple buildings here all connected by the boardwalks.

Sum Up

The land of the rising sun offers its sheer span of culture and architecture that has evolved over a period of time. A country rich in thousands of temples, shrines, castles and picturesque landscapes. The stunning and fascinating ancient sites in Japan are awaiting the explorers to come and visit the land.









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