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Civitella del Tronto

  • 64010 Civitella del Tronto TE, Italia
  • 0


  • Distance
  • 0.0
  • Duration
  • 0 h
  • Type
  • Borghi
  • Hosting
  • Inglese


Civitella del Tronto (TE) rises near the border with the Marche region, wrapped in a cliff that offers an enviable panoramic and scenic position. Once sentinel of the Kingdom of Naples, the civitas fidelissima is of aristocratic beauty, rich in art and history. The emotions of the past live again in its marvelous historical center enclosed within strong and impenetrable walls. Buildings from the noble past, embellished by portals masterfully chiseled, enrich the charm and suggestion of the intricate unraveling of squares and alleys among which you can run into the "Ruetta", ie the narrowest street in Italy. On all, dominates the extraordinary Bourbon Fortress, the last bulwark to yield before the advance of the Piedmontese army during the struggles for the unification of Italy. the suburb is able to amaze in every season, both when the woods on the sides of the mountains ignite of decided colors, and when the winter sprinkles of snow the tiles. Clear and endless views frame the remains of the 13th century walls that characterize this fortress-city, northern bulwark of the Kingdom of Naples on the border with the Papal State. We begin our visit from the Fortress, built by the Spanish in the second half of the 16th century and set on top of the town like an acropolis. Important work of military engineering, with its 500 meters long and 25 thousand square meters of surface is among the largest fortifications in Europe. The drawbridge, the ramparts, the walkways, the parade ground, the military quarters, the prisons, the powder magazines, the ovens, the stables, the cisterns, the Governor's palace, the church of San Giacomo, attract thousands of visitors every year. The sentry of the Kingdom of Naples also guarded the village below, where today you can peacefully get lost in the streets - called the French "rue". The passage of the stone-cutters from Como and Lombardy - the "magistri vagantes" already distinguished in the Ascoli area - has left recurring elements in the robust architecture that make it more gentle. For lovers of skiing and winter sports, just a few kilometers away is the ski resort of Monte Piselli.
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